
Showing posts from March, 2018

Feel like an Extroverted Introvert with Anxiety?

A friend asked me to write about an epiphany she had from a new way to describe a few words we use regularly, and how it really opened up space to look at and think about our social lives a bit differently. These definitions put the dividing line between Introversion/Extroversion and Social Anxiety. You've probably heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (ie: test), and if you haven't then you've probably talked about a set of four letters like "ENFJ" or "ISTP". The extent of which the test is applicable is more suited for an academic paper, so for here we'll just focus on some general tendencies to clear things up. You've probably also heard of and felt anxiety, social anxiety, or any of the million variants that anxiety can arrive in. This blog post is for the many people who don't know if they're an introvert or an extrovert, may feel like they're both, and/or suffer from anxiety - or anyone that knows someone who fits in thes

Flogging Molly! March 2nd, 2018 - Orlando FL
